Biotin (Serum/Plasma/Urine) ELISA Assay Kit


The Biotin (Serum/Plasma/Urine) ELISA Assay Kit is intended for the quantitative determination of biotin in serum, plasma, urine and milk. The Biotin (Serum/Plasma/Urine) ELISA Assay kit is for research use only and not for use in diagnostic procedures.

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Biotin Serum/Plasma/Urine ELISA Assay Kit

Biotin Serum/Plasma/Urine ELISA Assay Kit is manufactured in Germany by Immundiagnostik

Size: 1×96 wells
Sensitivity: 32.4 ng/L
Dynamic Range: 48.1 – 1100 ng/L
Incubation Time: 1.25 hours
Sample Type: Serum, Plasma, Urine
Sample Size: 50 µl
For Research Use Only
Controls Included

Reference range
Based on studies of samples of apparently healthy persons (n = 40), the following ranges were estimated:
Healthy: ≥ 250 ng/l
Suboptimal status: 100–249 ng/l
Vitamin deficiency: < 100 ng/l
We recommend each laboratory to establish its own reference range. To assure a correct diagnosis of biotin deficiency, we recommend to analyse the biotin level on several consecutive days as biotin undergoes daily fluctuations of up to 100%. Especially supplementation can cause the biotin level to increase tremendously in a very short time.
Adequate biotin supply is considered to start at levels of 70 nmol/l (equals 17101, 7 ng/l) and higher.

Assay Principle

This Biotin ELISA Kit is a competitive ELISA for the determination of biotin in human serum, plasma, urine and milk. Samples, standards and controls are pipetted into the wells (pre-coated with streptavidine) and incubated. After a washing step, conjugate (enzyme-labelled biotin) is added and competes against the biotin in the samples, standards and controls for streptavidin on the microtiter plate. Unbound enzyme-labelled biotin is washed away and the enzyme substrate TMB is added, resulting in a colour reaction. Finally, the reaction is terminated by an acidic stop solution causing a colour change from blue to yellow. The color intensity is inversely proportional to the biotin concentration. A dose response curve of the absorbance unit (optical density, OD at 450 nm) vs. concentration is generated using the values obtained from the standards. Biotin present in the samples is determined from this curve.

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Additional Information

Assay Background

Biotin (vitamin H) is present in bacterial, funghi, plants and animals. In food, the major part of biotin is covalently bound to protein, leaving only a minor fraction freely available. During digestion, biocytin (biotinyl-lysine) is released from the proteins and can be resorbed as easily as biotin from the intestinal tract. Afterward, biotin is released from biocytin by the enzyme biocytinase in erythrocytes and plasma. It is then available as prosthetic group for a series of biotin-dependent enzymes. The daily requirements of biotin are difficult to estimate because a healthy intestinal flora supplies a major part of biotin by endogenous synthesis. The generally recommended daily dose for adults is 100–200 μg. Chronic hemodialysis patients show clear improvements of neuropathological status and glucose metabolism when supplemented with biotin in a milligram range. Biotin deficiency can be caused by e. g. destruction of the intestinal flora or extreme diets (e. g. frequent consumption of raw eggs). It can lead to dermatitis, hair loss, anorexia, muscular hypotonia, depression and reproduction problems.

Package Inserts

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