3-HAA Mouse Monoclonal Antibody


The 3-HAA-Mouse Monoclonal Antibody demonstrates strong affinity and high specificity.  For Research Use Only.

SKU: IS001 Categories: ,

3-HAA Mouse Monoclonal Antibody

The 3-HAA Mouse Monoclonal Antibody is For Research Use Only

The first and only anti-3-HydroxyAnthranilic acid antibody available for research use.  The 5B2-G2 primary mouse monoclonal antibody was validated for IHC both in human tumor and brain tissues.  When tested by competitive ELISA, the antibody demonstrated strong affinity and high specificity.

Synonyms:  Anti-3-Hydroxy-Anthranilic acid antibody, 2-Amino-3-hydroxybenzoic acid antibody, 3-OH Anthranilic acid antibody, 3-hydroxanthranilate antibody, 3-OHAA antibody

Immunogen: Conjugated 3-Hydroxyanthranilic acid

Isotype: IgG1 k chain

Clone: Clone 5B2-G2

Specificity: When tested in competitive ELISA, the anti- 3-HydroxyAnthranilic acid antibody (3-HAA Mouse Monoclonal Antibody) did not show any significant cross reactivity with Anthranilic acid or Cinnabarinic acid conjugates.

3-Hydroxy-Anthranilic Acid
Tryptophan catabolism can be initiated by either indoleamine 2,3 dioxygenase 1 and 2 (IDO1 and IDO2) or the tryptophan 2,3 dioxygenase 2 (TDO2) to produce a series of catabolites collectively known as kynurenines. This pathway has been extensively studied for its immune regulatory functions. The production of 3-hydroxy-Anthranilic acid (3HAA) is thought to play a key role in this phenomenon, with PDK1 being the only molecular target identified. Also, 3HAA has been shown to exert anti-inflammatory effects when administered in an experimental model of multiple sclerosis mice (EAE).

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